Tough Mudders
The 'Tough Mudders for Larger than Life' is a team of Israeli CEOs, VPs and senior executives that train together throughout the year for the world’s most challenging obstacle course – The Tough Mudder -21 KM of running in the mud with 30 obstacles.
In between training sessions, they are committed to raise money to fund Kindergartens of Dreams that Larger Than Life open in Israel. The Kindergartens of Dreams are the world’s only sterile educational and rehabilitation center for children battling cancer.
The “Kindergarten of dreams” provides children with cancer and their families with a unique opportunity to learn, laugh, and just be kids again while allowing their parents to return to work and their daily lives. The goal is to provide a similar educational and rehabilitative solution to infants and toddlers with cancer, to establish a “Kindergarten of Dreams” in the main cities nearby hospitals.

For the last 8 years the team has raised more than 2.6 million dollars. Thanks to the fundraising of the team, it was possible to finance the establishment of “the kindergarten of Dream” in Beer Sheva and today the team raises money for Kindergartens of Dreams in Jerusalem.
Larger Than Life is Israel’s largest and most effective organization that works to improve the quality of life and well-being of children with cancer and their families regardless of religion, race, or gender.

Approximately 200 infants and toddlers struggle to beat cancer In Israel every year. The Kindergarten of Dreams provides them with a solution adapted to their medical, educational, social, psychological, emotional, and developmental needs.
Every day is a great day to support those superhero children –
Your support is making lifesaving impact wherever we can
and brings hope and smiles which are priceless.
Donate today and just imagine how much more impact we can make together in 2023!